The story of “White Angel” tells us the universal, ever-lasting drama of “old age” based on a social background where the director is aiming to reflect the brotherhood of the Turkish and the Kurdish people living in the south-east of Turkiye.
Mala Ahmet, the old leader of a kurdish tribe is suffering from cancer. While running away from the compulsory chemo-therapy in the hospital he suddenly finds himself in a nursery home where he is confronted with a different but cruel culture of life: The old people are left alone to their destiny while they wait for their death to come, whereas old people of his own village in the south-east, are treated with utmost care and tenderness by their relatives.
Mala Ahmet, together with his two sons, Reşat and Ali, invites this group of abandoned old people to his village to host them there with special care at the end of their lives. This journey becomes a journey into the heart of the country and the people…
A touching debut film by the talented musician Mahsun Kırmızıgül with outstanding performances of the actors of Turkish theater.
The Director
Mahsun Kırmızıgül was born in March 26, 1969 in Diyarbakır, Turkiye.
He is graduated from Istanbul Technical University Conservatory of Music.
“White Angel” is Kırmızıgül’s debut film as a scripwriter and director. |